13th April 2018 Tom O'Kane

A Seedy Day out in Newport

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Three members of Cae Tan were lucky to attend a Commercial Seed Saving Training with the Real Seed Catalogue this week at their HQ in Pembrokeshire.

Funded & organised by the Gaia Foundation Seed Sovereignty UK programme. Their mission is to boost small scale sustainable UK seed growers numbers & skills.

During the day we learned about the practicalities & economics of saving seed for commercial sale. Cae Tan will now endeavour to grow a range of seed for ourselves this season, plus a couple of varieties for the Real Seed catalogue.

We will use this season to improve our skills with ongoing support from the newly formed Wales Seed Co-op, Gaia Foundation & Real Seeds. We will be exploring potential markets, including the possibility of gaining biodynamic certification, so that we could sell to the Seed Co-op UK.

We also hope to get Kate from Real Seeds down at some point this year to talk about seed saving, as we are aware this is a subject many people are interested in.